Monday, October 25, 2010

The Handy Banker Has Been Busy!

My husband is a banker.  He sits behind a desk all day, "pushing a pencil" as they say!  Get that man home on the weekend, get him out of his tie and into a baseball hat, give him a tool...and BAM...he turns into..da, da, duh...."The Handy Banker!"  It's cuter than any transformation Superman has ever made!  The only thing Superman has on my hubby is the speed with which he's off to save the day!  We all know Superman is always available, always husband will more than likely wait until a football game is over to rush to my decorating rescue! :)

The Handy Banker was really busy this weekend...after the games of course!  (Can't blame him on this one though...can't miss those Auburn Tigers!  War Eagle!)  I've shown you our "ocean" bathroom and I promise we'll get to that day.  In the meantime, we have been working on our boy's bathroom.  We've already changed the "make-up mirror" light fixture, changed out the faucets and painted the cabinets.  This weekend's project for the bathroom was all about the tile.  HB got the tile partially down and the goal is to finish sometime this week.  I picked out the grout...I hope it's the right color.  Picking grout is so stressful!  The color never comes out exactly like the little color block on the bag!  I wish I had a before picture of this bathroom.  It started out peach with floral border.  HB installed the beadboard himself!  I told you he was handy!

1 comment:

  1. My husband is a banker, too and is also very handy. We built our house together and lots of updates done since.
